Some things are just meant not to be tampered with. Life, feelings, emotions, faith and love. We humans let it die out and fade at times. It's our selfishness. We let everything look innocent, when inside it's all frigging' broken. No, I'm no expert or specialist. But hey, I know how it feels to feel. Walk in my shoes... You'll feel all lonely and in despair. hated, ugly, unwanted and different, like you just don't belong. If you think this is a joke, you are a real fucking jerk. Mean freaks like (maybe) you ruin lives like my own. So I am a hyper freak, I get it yo. It's a part of me I just can't erase... but that doesn't mean I hate it. I am a girl who loves me. I accept who I am as I am. I hate some things about me but I don't blame someone for my sadness. Hear that Juliana? Don't harass..... Everyone wants to know the truth, but I can't handle the truth. ♥who i really am.