
Showing posts from May, 2011

you know life?

Life has a face. It hides behind masks and expect you to find it. Life has eyes. It looks at your innermost desires. Life is life. On its own. ♥yeah...


When there is so much to take in, let them all out. I really do not understand where things went wrong. There are so many tears shed right now. People around me are getting emotional. I admit. I'm also as emotional... Results: lyk effyouucccckkkking. yeah(: ♥With Love


EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVERRRR! I got the chance to be me for the exam period - me! It's really cool that I can actually survive with less than 5h of sleep for the past two week or so! & I'm grateful to the people around me for helping me through some twilight times. OHOHOH! & YESH! I also got a chance to stop slacking! haha yeah. results would be syit la. BUT, worry later, take BREAK now. Hehe:) ♥With Love


Goodnight, goodbye. I'll always know who I wanted to be. I'll always stay grounded I swear. ♥xoxo