
Showing posts from November, 2011


Heh. Meeting Tze Xin later. I LOVE catching up with her. It's been so long since I really sat down and think. All that WAS in my head was answers. LOL. As is answers for papers. Now, I'm coherent again! OHMYGOOSE! I read my diary, texts and etc and realise how time flies. & some interesting stuffs tooO.o Yeap but I guess soon, that'll be the thing of the past cos world, I AM SUPER FLY :D ♥With LOTS of Love


Yesterday was the best night of my life. I finally had the courage to walk up to him, (Ad helped though>.<) But I finally came to realise that life is not that tough after all. It is we, humans that make is so difficult. I'm taking one step at the time for everything right now. I cried this early morning (12-1am plus) after receiving Mais's text. Life is so fragile. I've overlooked so many things until last night. I want to be who I really am. The high, happy but true friend. I don't want to be the girl always hiding. Hiding from the truth and all. That's just BS. The feelings for every single one in that hall last night was: LOVE. I love every single one of them becos we've been through so much. Yeah, I may not even know some of them. but it's what we shared in common that matters. It's how we cope with life that matters. It's how we treat the people dearest to us that matters. Love is a feeling that should be shared. & now, I can start an

The top

Tell me, life, why must you be so unpredictable? I thought life is simple but what is the point? IT HAS NO POINT. I WALKED IN THE RAIN TODAY AND JUMP IN EVERY WATER PUDDLE! I FINALLY REALISE o'S IS OVER!!! ♥With Love


I'm smiling wide cos I'm done. I've finished my O's so it's AWESOME rite now. I'm keeping track with life fine. I'm gonna have to make sure that I'm able to quite ready, quite ready for grad night:D ♥With Love