
Showing posts from February, 2011

sick & tired

I want to be non-existant. I'm tired. exhausted. lethargic. I dun wanna keep going through this cycle over & over again Please stop screaming at me voices. You'll kill me one day. ♥done


Everyone acts coldly towards me. Am I that terrible? Do I suck that bad bitches? OMG!OMB!OMFG! (felt like saying that. lol.) slept like 4-5 hours per day. syitty.shitty.fml. ♥yawn.


Let sleeping dogs lie. Let truth be kept a secret. Let little syits keep everyone apart. Let me be who I want to be. I'm a pain ain't I? Eff you for that. ♥xoxo


I'm tired. I'm sleepy. And I'm contented(: CCA was kinda great(: ♥lalalalalala

5 Things I DIDN'T Know About Me

5. I like The Cocoa Trees! (the chocolates there are IRRESISTABLE) 4. I like sleeping late & waking up early. (I feel tired & then I feel adreline pumping) 3. I dislike being too crowded around. (alone is reallyreally good) 2. I am very unpredictable. (I do stuff I didn't know I could 1. I like PURPLE ( even though I used to hate this colour to the extreme core!) ♥woots!!!

i dun cut it

i love life as it is. But only some parts. ♥mindblind>>


I'm happy 'cos I ran last weekend! I may have ran alone but it was great(: I like running ya know? I feel more alive then ever! I feel free and there is no one who can knock me downxD I like running 'cos I like watt^^ ♥xoxo


My left knuckle is badly hurt. But I like it that way. The painful sensation tingles. It makes me feel alive. The sore of it keeps me wanting more. I want to hurt it more. But too many things are holding me back. Next time, I'm a goner. My emotions would roam this void. I'm just waiting. one single red rose♥


I am human. That's what the world can't see. They slam me down with everything they've got. They ignore me and bitch about when I'm just there. I'm too soft. All the pain is swelling me up but I stay strong. I live by and get swallowed by them. I let myself drown in the pain as I see myself suffer. I am ironical. I let myself die in all the hurt but I still take the pain of others. Am I stupid? Yes. Becos people say that I self-pity. Becos I hurt so bad that I can't wake up sometimes. I feel like walking out of reality and maybe, even all this shit. I'm killling myself but no one cares becos I'm not human in their eyes. I'm a toy to push around and be their satisfaction factory. One word. me. ♥ I'm not listening cos I'm deaf ain't I?


You left everything empty while you're here. You forgot to say who you are. You left me broken & empty. I'm sorry for who I can't be. But I'm not sorry for what you've become. --- Oh gosh. I've gotta buck up I'm going to keep trying. I'm gonna keep pushing all the limits. --- School sucks a little/: ♥xoxo


i hav a terrible ulcer on my lower lip. B.S. Haha. Anyway, my eyes are watery & I'm sleepy ♥-.-


Rowrowrow your boat, gently down the steam. Merrilymerrilymerrilymerriily Life is BUT a dream:/ ♥heartshearts


He is my cute little BIG bear which is technically my sisters' He has my hoodie on and he's name is Elmo(: These are Elly's and mine's Meringue Lemon Pie... I met Chritie Leong on Monday, 010211 and she wrote the above Well, that's all for now(: Happy Chinese New Year(: HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY KOH TZE MIN OF CLASS 4/7(: ♥With Love