
I am human.
That's what the world can't see.
They slam me down with everything they've got.
They ignore me and bitch about when I'm just there.
I'm too soft.
All the pain is swelling me up but I stay strong.
I live by and get swallowed by them.
I let myself drown in the pain as I see myself suffer.
I am ironical.
I let myself die in all the hurt but I still take the pain of others.
Am I stupid?
Becos people say that I self-pity.
Becos I hurt so bad that I can't wake up sometimes.
I feel like walking out of reality and maybe, even all this shit.
I'm killling myself but no one cares becos I'm not human in their eyes.
I'm a toy to push around and be their satisfaction factory.
One word.

I'm not listening cos I'm deaf ain't I?


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