
Showing posts from March, 2011


I know myself as one whose emotions are stronger than her being. Honestly, I know I have a lot of flaws. I've tried to change but I realised... Not all of the changes are for the better. When people notice this change, they approach me. Ask me. Question me. Interiogate me. But words are foreign to me nowadays. I can't seem to tell even the ones dearest to me I'm confused about myself. I know people care but if I can't, I can't. I'm going to keep still and silent until I know what to do 'cos rite now, everything's a whirlwind of a effuseeking mess. ♥why?


I am amazed at my level of insanity. I love Mr Paddington Bear(: ♥With Love


in 1 second I want to say smth so bad; goodbye. ♥you left without a note, without a word, without notice.


I'm craving them. ♥sweet lil tooth


I want to be able to reach out and touch a soul. I want to inspire another with just being honest. I want them to see me beyond the eyes of others. See me as who I am. I am human. I am a teenager. I have every emotion a person could ever have. But I am also different. I look at the world as a kaleidoscope. In a different nature than others. Some people think I'm a crank. But truth be told, I am just a little more special. I can't say what I want to say. I show much difference in my life. The way I live. The way I WANT to live and the way I am risking my ownself for all the syits that I'm going through. But let's open a new chapter. Let's hear our own cries. Don't worry another. Be sure of yourself. Understand. Do. ♥never expect the unexpected.

I've seen/:

I have so many doubts about me. I see an empty canvass and I say, 'what a pity' An elmo is a really adorable creature. No pity is self pity. Self pity is SELFish. A lie is a lie till death does in apart? Hell no. Humans are forgetful. I'm too(: I need a new friend. haha. CRAZZZZZZZZZY^^ ♥xoxo?

So yeah...

The holidays is utter BS. Haven't touched on hwk... Monday was... monday. Got sick on Tues (gastric flu) Had a shaky Wednesday. Thursday went out in the morning to shop a little then cut hair wif Tiffany AJL who shld be a haircut consultant wen she grows up. She's real gd(: Friday suppose to be out. So yeah. Tmr. is. FRIDAY!!! Thanks Tiff for a great day(: ♥xoxo

I close my eyes

#prayforjapan. There are always words but a million excuses. There are always opportunities but I let them slip by. I want to tell my parents so many things. But the courage is hidden some place else. ♥xoxo


Please dun cry. I dun wan to see regret in those eyes. You deserve happiness and that's all to it. I want you to reach those stars above. But I can't bear to see your pain. If I could, I would. If I knew how to, I would have reacted accordingly. Now you know, how much I notice. Nothing is small. That is a lie. Eveything impacts everyone. It's just that you & them impacts me most. Please be fine. Dun wanna see that from you again. No more. ♥stop those tears

paranoia is an addiction

The title says it all. Level camp-.-" Anyway, I'm a little distant from the world. Don't know what's up but... oh well... ♥jumping off walls(:

They. Them.

What happens when you can't even face yourself? Do you crumble and let yourself be taken over? I did. I surrendered. I'm attention-seeking, I'm bossy, I'm undeserving of love, I'm paranoid, I'm jealous, I'm hopeless, I'm a terrible person, I'm everything except a human. That's what I am in their eyes. Tell me something world, why did you stop me when I was giving up? Why did you give me multiple replies? Why did you give me a second chance? If I was to die, would you help me through? I hope you do. Thank you. ♥i'm writing between these -----

question marks

I'm a little confused here. If you hate me, dun tag on my board. It's a easy as that. On a lighter note, actually no. I dun hav a lighter note. ♥choked

simple past? Nope

I'm a little matchgirl. Burn me. lol. ANYWAY, today we had class cheer at Pasir Ris Park I had lot of fun laughing it out and listening to crappy jokes and stupidity(: I also got a chance to see horsey!!! Am gonna go jogging later. I'm gonna do wacky things as long as I still have the chance to do so. I must uphold the fun I SHOULD have. Thanks Adriana, Christabella and everyone else who had made my days great^^ ♥risking myself.