Dimple I reallyreally love them. so who has them? The genetics of dimples is actually rather interesting. Dimples are a dominant tr ait, which m eans that it only takes one gene to inherit dimples. If neither of your parents has dimples, you shouldn't have them either, unless you experience a spontaneous mutation. If one of your parents has dimples, you have a 25-50% chance of inheritin g the gene, since it means that parent inherited the gene from one or both pare nts. If both of your parents have dimples, you have a 50-100% chance of inheriti ng the gene, depending on how they inherited their dimple genes. - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090207215328AAyPsY8 - cool eh? well... this week has been wrecked. Fever and tests and more tests. I felt like seriously crying but I won't(: ok... so I said i wanted a pair of high-top shoes. A short list I made becos of it; - Freestyle Hi (reebok) (the all white shoe the left) -LACOSTE SONATTA NS (the black shoe) -Women...