
Showing posts from December, 2010


Au revoir 2011 Before new year comes by, I want to apologize for anything that I've done wrong in 2010. Maybe it's my action or maybe it's my words. Either way, I'm sorry. I'd also like to thank everyone that helped me in my life in 2010 and entertain like crazy 'cos of my hyperness(: Then I'd like to say... HAPPY NEW YEAR! ♥with lots and lots of love

Watashi wa iraira shite iru

I'm angry 'cos I'm frustrated. I'm angry 'cos he doesn't understand I'm angry 'cos he kills my imagination I'm angry 'cos I can never hate him. Ever. I'm angry 'cos I need him more than he needs me. I'm angry 'cos I'm so weak and I can never escape him. But I'm angry 'cos I'm the one at fault in the first place for what I say. ♥Je suis frustré

Hoshi ni negai o kibo

Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them. Lou Holtz Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens Silence don't suffocate. Carbon dioxide does that. fullstop production Love is like a bus trip with little bumps and a bag of joy. fullstop production ♥ Souhaitant sur une étoile


Back from BBQ. Had fun^^ Body aches. Nites. ♥xoxo

Before I go

Pictures of me & I "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare S ometimes, in life , we lose our way We take life for granted We are ignorant to our surroundings But in life, we also learn . We grow, we understand & we live In the sky, we see star & the moon and maybe even the velvet sky We experiment with nature We abuse it at times But have you ever opened your eyes? Have you seen all the unseen? ♥A charade is still a charade


I hate admitting . Lol (random much...) The picture to the left is an umbrella (courtesy of colour splash, photobucket) The picture to the right is Allen Walker and golem Timcanpy (Anime D-gray man) I lyk e golem cos it looks cute^^ Anyway, will be off for overseas (tmr) bbq wif family & a blast of fun(: Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live. ~Henry Van Dyke ♥xoxo

Little White

Snowy white winter, I want to see that(: It is lyk a drean that I want to fulfil Btw, I'm done with ALL my homework! Am going overseas for awhile from Saturday I'm gonna have lots&lots of rest ♥xoxo

brainwashed me

Don't talk if you don't want to listen Don't see if you don't want to hurt Don't hear if you don't want noise Don't speak if you want to be alone Don't hurt just becos you feel lyk it Don't look at your reflection if you only see your flaws in it Don't hold me down 'cos here I am. Tryin' to move on. ♥Silence brings nothing but tension


(S) earching for what I had ever left behind (T) magining how far I can go a distance with my imagination (A) ttempting life and proking it like never before (R) eaching for a star that's never been reached before(xD) ♥I'm a mess. Fix me.

I closed my eyes

There are tears running down my cheeks 'cos sinus is acting up again. -.-" Gonna have a bad night then... Loving skinny red ties Random^^ ♥xoxo

Alone is kinda good

I'm not who you think I am I lie in front of your faces & you still believe I find solace within these walls I let my anger overtake my actions Anger clouds every inch of my being I find myself pathetic at times I can't even bring myself to face the world sometimes I wake up in the morning having awful thoughts sometimes Thoughts that make me go mad People just wouldn't understand if I tell them They'll say, "I understand. It's okay." That is effing bullshit I feel so down today It's the weather, the stupid life & stupid times I want to hold on to stay sane but I have no will to My body wants to feel pain while I try to stay sane It wants to hurt To feel something worse than what's been lying on the inside I'm dun wan attention I want de-attention I want to be alone and contented with my own space ♥xoxo

I wonderwonderwonder

If dreams are what our semi-conscious mind is thinking or doing then... What are nightmares? Are they warnings from the past & present? ♥xoxo?

Our trip of insanity

Muahahaha. Went out with Farah ages ago (101210) Had a lot of fun and humiliated self in front of the public. Thats Farah for me. WACKY. We laughed lyk a lot! First of all, imagine being 7hours with her She's REALLYREALLY fun Very entertaining and super insane at times 1) We took a train at 10.10am to City Hall & walked to Suntec Convention Hall (which btw we got lost first at the mall) 2) We went to the Popular Bookfest then the book that I wanted to buy wasn't there): so I bought 2 pens (purple & pink^^) 3) We walked about Suntec Mall and couldn't find the DAMN basement. Farah go withdraw money at POSB.Eventually, WE DID! So we went to Swensens' to order a cake (plus taste the flavours available) 4) We were hungry so we ate at the KFC there. I ate Zinger burger meal while Farah ate Cheesy BBq smth. 5) We walked back to City Hall MRT (& bought plaster at Watson for Farah's PAINFUL leg) and at the same time laugh at the people wearing their co

A Little Touch

I underlined the word like . I crossed out the word love . I bold the word trust . I scribbled the word lies . I circled the word friendship . I correction the word hate . Then I realzed, how much I've changed. This 3 years are coming to an end & I'm coming into a new beginning (: ♥xoxo

A mind of my own

Wash all the pain away. (I am almost done with ALL my hwk!!!) I'm happy but not contented. (I watched Rapunzel/Tangled a twisted tale already!!!) I'm moody but not sad. (I'm gonna write a new years' resolution soonxD) I'm insomniac but not tired. (The lit. project is crap) I'm outgoing but shy. (I've been laughing lotsxxxD) I'm surrounded but lonely. (I've been kinda silly) I'm me but no one gets it. ♥xoxo

A Little Smth

Went to the cinemas on the 1st of December 2010(: I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. The Cathay cinema at EHub. I was SUPPOSE to go with Farah but something cropped up last minute. I couldn't find a fren so I ended up going alone^^ I bought the seat E-18 seat of the theatre 4 & well, seat E-17 also ended up being mine cos no one sat in it. I bought the medium combo & entered the threatre. It was damn cold and I was lyk freezing. I put on my cardigan and was still cold. So, I kinda curled up and put my bag in the next seat. FYI, it was a couple seat. Lol. Anyway, it was a great movie which I WILL watch next year for the Part 2. I'm almost done with my homework (YAY!) and will start revision soon. I'm aiming high but I'm also very lazy rite now. Oh and during the holidays, I LAUGH WAY TOO MUCH. I'm on high most of the days and when I'm moody, that's a heck of a nightmare. ♥xoxo