It's going to come to an end soon. But the pressure and stress, it really builds up. I don't even know where to start.The amount of work is just.. horrifying. You know they stereotype the Arts students in secondary school, yeah. I feel that now. I feel awful. I don't know a thing. And when I read up, I don't, I'm not.. that type of person who just sits down and can finish their work. I need so much time and effort just to get myself going. Somedays I just curl under my blanket and just 'wake up late' just because. And I don't know why or when I became like this. Don't talk about society to me. They just are. How can I even succeed if I can't overcome me. ME. I come late for lectures in the morning and sometimes, when my brain is fuzzed out, I just.. I just skip lectures. Im disappointing my parents and no, Im not suppose to do that. I am that daughter they go around boasting about to everyone. I just have to keep satisfying them I ...