
Showing posts from 2014


Isn’t it funny that we are so willing to go miles and miles for the one that we love and yet we end up lost ourselves. I thought I knew what love meant. But I thought wrongly. Stupid people like myself tend to be lead into hot soup by going back to comfort which happens to be the person who does not love me back the same way. He is hot then cold. He is probably not even sure how I fit into his life so I am just a damned spare part. I hurt until I can describe the saltiness of my tears and the pain in my heart. The tears have a subtle bitter taste that lingers in my throat which burns my eyes and puffs up my cheeks. The hurt in my heart knocks the breath out of me and forces me to sleep before it makes me hurt myself physically. It’s like a physical pain that I cannot cure nor ease. I can’t bandage it nor apply oil nor down pills to make it go away. And even as he drifts away from me, I cannot tell him to come back. The voices are telling me he doesn’t want me anymore. He’s already tire


 Hello! I am back~ This time with more pictures~  This is Andy. He is my so called brother cos he's so protective and caring towards me. I am thankful that he stays up to entertain me till I fall asleep and he very nice ah~  The letters that I wrote to thank the people who I had worked with^^  My pre-riding look. The wind is really super loud when we were on the underground tunnel. Timid me actually fell asleep cos I didn't want to hear the scary wind blowing. But it was super awesome experience:3  This is the super yummy yoghurt I had at Food Junction at Bugis Junction. Green apple and green tea:3  Hello:)  Bro~  Boy~  The 3Cs Girl~ Hello~ ♥With Love
Im so tired. Can I stop going through the cycle? sigh. ♥With Love

He's Not Mine Anymore

You were never mine in the first place. But I love you like you were, I still do. But there's nothing I can do about it anymore.  ♥With Love


I guess I disappeared online. No Twitter, Facebook nor Tumblr. HAHAHA. Technically, Im still here. Just.. I need somewhere to run away and forget about everything. About you. But I can't. Because it's me. Life's not that hard if you look at it in a nice way. I went for a really long run and am still not tired (weird~). Plus, I made pancakes this morning. I know this is a rare post. But no one reads my blog honestly so like, meh? Maybe I listened too much to my friends but then again, so do you. And I don't like that as I try my best to leave everything to fade away, I constantly break down. It's like I've lost all reason. It's like Im back at square one. And I've no means and no will to continue going. What am I saying~ Im sick:( Can't seem to recover. I think I must start being positive~ "Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?" Yeah. I don't sleep much either. LOL. Really, what am I saying~ Hmm.. I think my injuries