
Title: Bliss.

Early in 2016, my grandma passed away. It was the turning point of my whole entire life. Everything came crashing down like hurricane just crashed havoc in my little comfort zone. I felt as though the bad things were never going to stop and I'm going to be buried into the sinkhole.

It's painful to know that you only know what you've got when it's gone.

This hurricane though, it brought destruction, chaos but at the end of it all, it brought more good than bad. Ironic right? How can a destroyer become the savior? For that, I believe God's challenges for me is great but He knows best.

The first thing I ever did was to let go of the person I was holding on so tightly to at the end of 2016. He was the person I loved and thought I could never replace. At present, I am convinced that I loved him for all the wrong reasons and I was tearing myself apart more than putting myself back together by holding onto the baggages of just memories.

The second thing is to have received being surrounded by good people. People who want to see me succeed. People who genuinely care in their own ways. People who brush off their positive vibes to me. People who are selfless and love me for who I am. 

The third thing is to be gifted with a wonderful family. There have been times I question why they are my family. And there have been times where I took them for granted. But blood is thicker than water in the case of my immediate family. They have brought me up to be righteous and never have they left me even through the bad times. Like how my dad would push the wheelchair for me when i am in poor health. Or how my mom would cook porridge for the family when we're not well. And even how my sisters make it a point to get our family closer together.

The most heartwarming moments came at the most unexpected times. I have experienced so so so much, it felt like I was being rewarded and I should stop being so greedy now. It's time for me to live the moment as it is now and not let my happiness be dependent on others. One thing that made it more amazing is that I experience traveling with my heart rather than just with my eyes. Once you start traveling with your heart, your mind would naturally be at ease.

Two days to book the flight and hotel, three weeks to prepare while being at the busiest month. 7days and 6nights at Namba Oriental Hotel (4*). Osaka and Kobe with Linzy was, the most amazing and freshest experience ever. I felt like a child, just ready to get up to her feet. I had to ask for so much help from the packing right down to the moral support. Linzy had been like a big sister to me. She held my hand throughout and kept me out of harm's way. Even when I annoyed her with wrong directions and the endless things I wanted to try and do, she made it a point to make it the best of ever trip. I remember on the last two nights where I was soaking in the bathtub with the honey bathbomb I bought from Tokyu Hands. I remember how at first I was so preoccupied. Then came that moment of peace. Instead of holding on to things and people, be grateful instead. Treasure the memories and keep moving forward.

One week to book the lodging after much contemplating. Two weeks to prepare while an intake was running. Four days and three nights at The Neem Boutique Chalet. Malacca with Azizun and Joanna was not the easiest of trips. I believe in solo moments and adventure time but not everyone thinks alike. But the girls, they have been fun. Different in their way of adventure but same in the impressed feelings with coincidences. I remember lying down on the bed on the last night thinking that changes should start from within. If I don't like what someone does, I can only change myself. Building self tolerance and putting myself into others' shoes is going to build me character and teach me what being humble is really about.

One week to book the lodging and transportation. 1.5months to prepare amidst other things. Three days two nights at Hotel Bintan Nirwana and two days one night at Trikora Beach Resort. My family holds a special place in my heart. Not until recently have the realization hit me hard that i needed to spend more time with these people. Bintan has been warm for my heart. Spending time just wondering around the streets and feeling the breeze was simply amazing. I remember the last night by the beach, hearing the waves crashing late at night from our villa, it's that feeling of ease. Sometimes I need to catch myself before the negativity hits me. Remember to stay calm and learn to connect the mind with the heart.

The next trip would be in less than two weeks. I am working towards getting the posts about my trips up soon. Nonetheless, I hope this part of my  Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa would make me a better daughter, friend, employee, student, lover and person as a whole.

"You are who you will yourself to be."

♥With Love


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