

What is my favorite part of being able to travel? It would be the freedom. The freedom to enable my mind to roam as far as it wills and my legs to walk as far and much as it wants to. It's that exhilarating feeling when I get lost and start falling in love with the idea of exploring while I'm lost.

Plans are meant to be laid out but no one ever said you had to follow them. I enjoy the thrill of meeting people and then finding places that may enthrall me. I don't believe in fear. Fear is when you have something to lose but I don't. My only fear now is God. I am at peace with everything else. If I lose something, there is always something else to gain from it.

Life isn't so complicated. Nor is traveling. You just need a bit of courage, friendliness and obviously some common human instinct. If you fear the unknown, stay at home or follow a tour. Traveling isn't for you yet. Not everyone is prepared to leave their comfort zone. I wasn't once upon a time. It's that moment when I stepped out of my comfort zone that I realize this is it. This is my youth.

♥With Love


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